Knowledge Index

Use this index listing to quickly find information about specific m3ter entities or areas of functionality.

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Represents one of your end-customer accounts:

Account Plans

Plans are attached to Accounts to create Account Plans, which then determine the charges incurred by your end customer.

Account Plan Groups

Plan Groups are attached to Accounts to create Account Plan Groups, which then determine the charges incurred by your end customer.


Aggregations define how to convert into a single number individual usage data measurements collected by Meter fields. They are used to configure pricing for Product Plans.


The m3ter platform supports two HTTP-based REST APIs returning JSON encoded responses:

  • The Config API, which you can use for configuration requests and management.

  • The Ingest API, which you can use for submitting raw data measurements.

We impose limits on the calls you make to both of our APIs to maintain optimum performance and high availability for all customers.


The m3ter platform supports several authentication methods:


Balances are created for end customer Accounts. You use Transactions to add and flexibly manage Balance amounts on Accounts. End-customers can then draw-down against their Balance amounts for any charges due throughout the period the Balance is active for the Account and a Transactions ledger is maintained for the Balance:

Bills & Billing

Bills are generated for an Account based on the usage-based pricing Plan that has been attached to the Account for charging the Account for consuming a Product. Plan Templates/Plans offer settings to control billing on Accounts that Product Plans are attached to for charging the Accounts.

Child Accounts

A Child Account is an Account that has a Parent Account defined. End customers with multiple Accounts can be issued with a single Bill for a Parent Account.

Compound Aggregations

A Compound Aggregation allows you to to derive numerical measures from usage data by applying a calculation to one or more simple Aggregations. The calculation can also reference Custom Fields. You can then use these calculated measures as pricing metrics to set up usage-based pricing Plans for your Products.


Contracts are created for Accounts. For end customers who consume several different service or product packages, the total Contract value can be reported for accounting purposes.


Counters are used to create unit-based pricing for Plans and apply recurring subscription charge rates for your Products.


You can create and define Credit Reasons for your Organization. For Bill adjustments, Credit Reasons can then be used to add a Credit for an existing bill line item or apply a product Credit manually to a Bill.


Currency for billing can be set at Organization level or individual Account level. You can also define a different pricing currency for your Plans at the Plan Template level. If you do this, the Organization or Account setting is used for billing and you must configure currency conversion rates to determine how charge amounts in the Plan pricing currency are converted into billing currency amounts. If any required currency conversion rates from pricing into billing currency are omitted, billing will fail.

Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow you to attach custom data to your Organization and some other individual m3ter entities.

Data Explorers

The m3ter Data Explorers allows you to query data collected for your Organization in the m3ter platform for Usage, Billing, and Prepayments/Commitments.

Data Exports

The Data Export service allows you to export usage data and operational data from your m3ter Organization directly into your AWS S3 buckets. Currently available in preview release.

Data Fields

Data Fields are added to Meters and define a raw usage data collection fields.



You can create and define Debit Reasons for your Organization. For Bill adjustments, Debit Reasons can then be used to add a Debit for an existing bill line item or apply a product Debit manually to a Bill.

Derived Fields

Derived Fields are configured for Meters and use calculations on other fields to define usage data collection fields. Calculations can reference Meter Data Fields, Custom Fields, and system timestamp fields.

Entity Metadata

On the Details page for an entity, you can review the entity's metadata:

Error Codes

Events and Notifications

You can use Events generated in m3ter as the basis for setting up and sending Notifications into your external systems when those Events occur and the specific conditions you've defined for triggering a Notification are satisfied.



External Mappings

External Mappings are mapping reference lookups, which store unique ids for matched objects across two or more systems.

Global Meters

Global Meters do not belong to a specific Product, and are used to set up usage-based pricing across different Products.


Integrations exploit m3ter's open-API framework allowing you to quickly map and synchronize data held in any 3rd-party systems you use for core business operations.


Meters define the Data Fields that your system will submit to the m3ter service as usage data. They can be created as Product-specific Meters or as Global Meters.


You can set up Notifications to be triggered and sent into external systems on the basis of m3ter-generated Events. This includes the capability to create rule sets to define the precise conditions under which a Notification will be triggered and sent out when a specific Event occurs:

Note: Also see index entries above for Events and Notifications.


An Organization represents your company as a direct customer of the m3ter service.

Permission Policies

Permission Policies allow you to control what users who have authenticated with the service are allowed to do in your Organization.


Plans represent a pricing and billing plan for end customers who consume your products or services. They are derived from Plan Templates.

Plan Groups

Plan Groups allow you to group together Plans for different Products and define a minimum spend for the Group.

Plan Templates

Plan Templates allow you to configure default billing and pricing settings for your Plans, avoiding repetition in configuration work when setting up Plans.


Prepayments/Commitments allow you to assign an amount to an Account that the end customer has agreed to pay over the duration of their contract with you.


A Pricing allows you to use Aggregations as pricing metrics to configure the cost of usage data consumed under Product Plans.


Products represent in your m3ter Organization the products or service you offer to end customers.

Recurring Charges

The Recurring Charges feature in m3ter allows you to use Counters to set up unit-based for your products and services.

Salesforce Managed Package

The m3ter Connector for Salesforce managed package allows you to map and synchronize data in your Salesforce systems with the m3ter platform. You can quickly set up a connective framework between Salesforce CRM and CPQ to streamline and accelerate the process of connecting your Salesforce systems to your m3ter infrastructure with one simple, fully supported, and managed integration.

Segmented Aggregations

Segmented Aggregations allow you to segment the usage data collected by a single Meter and price your Plans by these segment values.

Service Users

Service Users represent automated processes that you want to grant direct API access to your Organization.

Statement Definitions

Statement Definitions allow you to define how the usage data collected by a Meter for a billing period is broken down. You can then use Statement Definitions to generate Bill Statements for specific Bills and append these to your end-customer invoices.


You can create and define Transaction Types for your Organization. Transaction Types can then be used to create specific Transaction amounts for Balances on end-customer Accounts. In this way, you can use Transactions to flexibly manage Balance amounts on end-customer Accounts, with a Transaction ledger being maintained for individual Balances.

Usage Data

You can create and configure Meters in m3ter to collect your end customer usage data. When you have set up Meters, you can define Aggregations of that data to give the pricing metrics to price Plans for your Products.

You can submit test usage data right in the Console and generate test Bills for that usage data. If usage data measurements you submit to the platform fail to ingest properly, an ingest failure Event is generated and a log file is made available to review and troubleshoot the ingest failure:


Users represent a person you allow to authenticate with and have access to your Organization.


You can configure webhooks as the Destinations for your Notification Integrations.

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