This changelog lists the new features, functionality, and updates added in each version release.
More on New Features? Please see the Product News blog for more detailed information on the value you can get from the new features in each release.
Accounting Products for Billing Elements. The range and granularity of billing elements in m3ter that can be assigned an accounting product has been extended to include:
Usage draw-downs
Pricings and Counter Pricings. Allows pricing metric accounting (Aggregation and Counter-level).
Standing Charges
Minimum Spends
Consumption draw-downs
By allowing assignment of accounting products at these various levels, m3ter ensures that each bill line item can be correctly categorized for accounting purposes
Data Exports Service:
Ad-hoc Operational Exports. Some additional options are now available when running these data exports:
Define a date/time range to include only the data created or modified within that time period.
Include Balance Transactions data in the export.
Downloads to Local Device. Available through the API - if a Destination is omitted, a Data Export file download URL can be obtained for the export job and then used to download the file to your local device.
Recurring Charges. You can now enter a value of 0 for a Counter Adjustment on an Account, which is useful if an end-customer wants to terminate a contract mid-billing period.
External Mappings. When setting up External Mappings for integrations, custom External Table names can now be used for the mapping. This is especially useful when integrating with systems that support custom objects, such as Salesforce.
Bill Integration Runs. From the Bill details card you can now open and review all integration runs for a Bill. This serves several common use cases: where a single Bill is subject to multiple integration runs, Bills are synced to multiple external Accounts Receivable (AR) systems, or Bills are synced to multiple instances of the same external AR system.
Balances. The Balance details card in the Console now provides a comprehensive set of fields that allow users to closely review and track key Balance amounts, including any rollover amount originally defined for the Balance and the remaining rollover amount.
Usability Improvements:
Table Style. A new style has been implemented for tables across Console pages, which provides bolded text header rows and sharper contrast for content rows when viewing.
Search Accounts. Users can now use the Account ID to search the Accounts list page.
Fix: When attaching Plans to an Account, the start date and end date selectors on the Create Plan attachment page now allow users to select a time as well as a date.
Fix: If the Organization timezone was set at other than UTC, an issue is now resolved which allowed the start and end dates of a Prepayment/Commitment or Contract to be set incorrectly.
Fix: If the Meters list has been filtered by Product, the Product selection is now retained for starting the create Meter workflow, and relieves the user from having to re-select the Product to start the workflow.
Fix: When a Single Sign-On (SSO) failure occurs, users are now shown an error message for the failure in the Console.
Fix: If a unit is not defined for a Bill line item type, then the unit is now shown as having no value where previously a zero value was shown, which could be misleading.
Data Export Service. A Data Export service is now available in m3ter in Preview release version. You can use this new service to export usage data and operational data from your m3ter Organization directly into your AWS S3 buckets. Configure data export schedules to run at hourly or daily intervals or run ad-hoc data exports:
Usage Data. Specify a precise range of usage data measurements ingested for your Organization that you want to export - by Meter, Account, and time period. You can select to aggregate the specified usage data for exporting, if required.
Operational Data. Export the configuration and operational data for a range entities from your production environment - such as Bills, Prepayments/Commitments, Accounts, and Balances.
See Data Exports (Preview) for more details.
Salesforce Native Integrations. When setting up Salesforce native integrations for either billing or entity data, you can now select a Namespace to specify where in your Salesforce Org you want to sync data to. See External System Configuration for more details.
Outgoing Webhooks for Notifications. When configuring integrations for Notifications based on system or scheduled events, the webhooks you create for where a Notification's payload will be delivered are now called Outgoing Webhooks. This makes the configuration workflow for implementing Notifications in m3ter simpler and more intuitive. See Creating and Managing Outgoing Webhooks for more details.
Usability Improvements:
Segmented Aggregations. When users select the target Meter fields they want to segment aggregated usage by, a default row is now added automatically allowing them to promptly add required segments.
Date/Time Selection Fields. For start and end dates that include a time component, Date/Time selectors in the Console now offer time selections to 15 minutes of granularity, and the selected Date/Time is clearly displayed in the form fields.
Fix: When deploying Counter pricing for recurring charges against end-customer Accounts, Counter values can now be set at zero to accommodate cases where an end-customer terminates their contract in the middle of the billing cycle.
Fix: An issue has been resolved for an error showing when attempting to enter decimal place amounts for setting up Prepayment billing on a schedule.
Fix: Rows on UI forms when one has a Help text associated now align correctly.
Integration-specific External Mappings. If you want to create multiple separate integrations for an external system, you can create external mappings for each separate integration and these external mappings are then linked to the specific integration they were created for. See Creating Linked External Mappings.
m3ter Connector for Salesforce. Version 0.5 of the Connector is now available - see the m3ter Connector Changelog page for details of the enhancements in this version.
Adding Account Plans to Contracts. Child Account Plans or Account Plan Groups can now be added to the Parent Account Contract. See Adding Child Account Plans to Parent Account Contract.
Salesforce Native Integrations - support for Custom Fields. When setting up a Salesforce native integration configuration for an entity data sync for Accounts or Contracts in your m3ter Organization, you can now select to sync custom fields for these two entity types with fields in your Salesforce Org.
Usability Improvements:
Plan Group Attachment. The Plan Group Attachment page allows users to view details of an Account Plan created when a Plan Group is attached to an Account. For user convenience, the page also allows users to go through the Plans in an attached Plan Group and inspect the details and pricing of those Plans. Previously, Plan selection was rendered outside of any cards on the page, which didn’t help users understand they were looking at details and pricing of the individual Plans in the Plan Group and as distinct from the Account Plan itself. The page has been restyled to make it more intuitive for users and consistent with other areas of the Console.
Updating Prepayment/Commitment Fee Schedule. If a Prepayment fee schedule is updated after Bills have been generated according to the original schedule, recalculating Bills will not update them for the new schedule. A warning is now shown on the Billing Configuration form to alerts users and to remind them to delete and rerun billing to update for the new schedule.
Fix: If an invalid CSV file is selected for usage data measurements ingest, an informative error message is now properly displayed to users on the Meter ingest form in the Console.
Fix: An issue where the loading of Bill lists for an Account might timeout has been resolved.
Fix: In the Console Organization switcher list, an issue has been resolved where an Organization with both normal user access and Support user access would appear twice in the select list.
Data Export in Preview Release. Data Exports allow you to export data from m3ter into your own systems, giving you the flexibility to create your own reports, user dashboards, and more. Exports can be scheduled as frequently as every hour, and run on-demand as required. If you're interested in previewing the Data Export feature, please get in touch with m3ter Support or your m3ter contact. See Data Exports (Preview) for more details.
Salesforce Integration. The Salesforce native integration in m3ter now supports sending Balances data outbound into your Salesforce Org. This data can then be used for reporting purposes or to support your other business intelligence tools. See Configuring Salesforce Integrations for more details.
Integration Credentials. When creating and managing your Integration Credentials, you can use a new Grid layout page, which has external system logos embedded in the page allowing you to quickly identify which system a Credential can be used with when configuring your m3ter Integrations.
Usability Improvements:
Integrations. Pages that display the external system destinations for integrations, such as the Integration Details and External Mappings pages, now show external system logos for prompt identification of the external system the integration is for.
Searching Plans and Plan Templates. The Product selector field on Plan and Plan Templates pages is now searchable.
Plan/Plan Group Attachment. Plan and Plan Group attachment pages for Accounts have been reorganized and the metadata card relabeled to clearly associate it with the Plan/Plan Group attachment.
List Pages. For list pages, options to show only 5 or 10 items per page are now available. These new options can be used where single page items might be large, such as the Bills list page, and to prevent any delays due to slow loading of multiple items of 20 (the default) and above per page.
Statements for Bills. Users attempting to generate Bill Statements when a Statement Definition does not yet exist at either Organization or Account level are now shown information alerts advising them that they first need to create at least one Statement Definition and assign it at either Organization or Account level.
Pricing details for non-custom Plans. Pricing details can now be viewed for non-custom Plans when reviewing Plan attachments on Accounts.
Custom Fields. When creating Custom Fields for entities, full validation with appropriate warnings given is now implemented to ensure the required Name and Value are entered to allow successful creation.
Viewing Meter details. Meter details no longer incorrectly shows a Create aggregation button for Meter Data Field types that don't support aggregation.
Fix: The information alert text that appears on the Select counters modal when adding Counters to the Pricing Editor now reads correctly.
Fix: A slow loading issue has been resolved when opening an Account Plan Group for an Account where the Plan Group contains a large number of Plans.
Fix: An issue has been resolved for priced Plan Templates that have a Code field configured which meant a Plan based on the template could not override the template pricing.
Fix: Page scroll now properly resets when users move to a different page in the Console.
Fix: An unhelpful validation error has been removed that was shown if users entered an email address containing a space when attempting to log into the Console.
Fix: When a Plan Group was attached to an Account and Standing Charge and Minimum Spend amounts were configured for the Plan Group, at billing these amounts were correctly factored into the Bill total but not shown as individual line items. This issue has now been resolved and separate line items are correctly shown and labeled.
End-dating Billing Entities includes Counter Pricings. When applying an end date to billing entities on an Account directly from the Account or via a Contract you've created for the Account, you can now select Counter Pricings to be included in the end-dating.
Draw-Down types for Prepayments and Balances. The billing charge types that can be selected for draw-down against Prepayments and Balances on an Account now includes charges due to unit-based pricing for Counter running total charges and Counter adjustment debits.
Integrations. The Integrations section now shows a Grid layout page, which greatly enhances user experience when reviewing and managing integrations with external systems. External system logos are embedded in the page, allowing you to quickly identify which systems are integrated with your m3ter Organization. In addition, the workflows when creating, editing, or deleting integrations become more direct and accessible. Links out to relevant Docs topics for guidance on setting up integrations with external systems are provided.
Entity Metadata. Details pages for main configuration entities now carry an Entity Metadata card showing any Custom Fields and External Mappings created for the entity. This makes finding and reviewing the Custom Fields and External Mappings associated with an m3ter entity straightforward. For added convenience, Custom Field values or the IDs of external entities mapped to a m3ter entity can be copied directly.
Usability Improvements.
Counter Adjustments. If you open an Account >Counter adjustments tab but no Counters have yet been created for your Organization, a warning is shown with a link provided to go directly to the Create Counter page.
Organization Sections. Organization configuration and management sections - such as Settings and Integrations - are now grouped and made accessible from a drop-down menu on the Console top bar.
Pricing Editor. If pricing prerequisite configuration is not complete, a help text shows in the Pricing Editor to remind users of the configuration required before Plans can be priced, with links out to relevant create pages.
Integration Credentials. The workflow to create Integration Credentials is improved and a Credential's ID is displayed and can be copied directly from the Credentials list page.
Fix: When logging into the Console with dark mode enabled, the toggle password icon was difficult to see. This issue has now been resolved.
Fix: Icons flagging errors with entity audit data on Details panels now correctly show as red not green.
Fix: An issue where an actioned call for Integration Events was incorrectly returning an error has been resolved.
Fix: A minor UI issue where drop-down list could be hidden behind other screen content has been resolved.
Salesforce Integration. You can now use the m3ter Salesforce Native Integration to send raw data outbound into your Salesforce Org for Accounts, Contracts, and Prepayments/Commitments in your m3ter Organization. You can then use this raw data for other purposes in your Salesforce Org, such as for building reports or reconciliation.
Reviewing Integration Runs. The Integration Runs workflow has been redesigned for ease of use, with an intuitive Run Log panel now shown and listing tasks performed during the run. The success or failure for each task performed under the integration run is clearly flagged and you can quickly drill into tasks to examine the requests and responses for the task when troubleshooting errors.
New Console! When you log into m3ter and select an Organization you'll be taken to the new Console offering an improved layout, navigation, and more intuitive look and feel:
Improved top-level navigation gets you to main sections quickly with collapsible side bars for working on specific configuration and operational tasks.
Data Explorers for querying Usage, Billing, and Prepayments data in your Organization are now conveniently located within their relevant areas.
Improved Organization switcher with search facility.
For a limited overlap period, you'll be able to switch back to the old Console as you familiarize yourself with the new Console. You can continue to submit feedback and we'd very much welcome your views on the new layout and navigation.
Bill Management Invoice Date Range. The Invoice date range picker for displaying Bills in Bill Management now allows a single day to be set as the date range.
User Groups. The User Group Details page now contains a Users panel listing the users assigned to the User Group. You can then select a user's name to open the Details page for that user directly.
Fix: Plan pricing grid action buttons now wrap neatly to fit on small screens.
Fix: An issue where the Organization switcher duplicated Organizations listed has been resolved.
Fix: When you try to select an Organization which you don't have access to, the Organization switcher now correctly shows allowing you to select a different Organization.
Fix: The Terms and Conditions acceptance check modal popup now presents correctly to users at first time login.
Fix: Standing Charge and Minimum Spend descriptions are now persisted in Plan edit forms.
Fix: If a download task fails to complete, an error is shows to inform the user.
Fix: The Integration Credential create form no longer shows webhook as an option.
Fix: An issue with the selection of searchable entities in the Console not having the selected value reloaded has been resolved.
Fix: The Accounts page in the Console now uses a list call returning a boolean when checking for the presence of child Accounts, which avoids multiple requests when an Organization contains many Accounts.
Fix: The Recent Account list in the Console Accounts section side bar is now restricted to a maximum of 5 items.
Fix: An issue where the Recent Accounts listing in the Dashboard could remain empty is now resolved.
Recurring Charges with Counters. The new Recurring Charges feature in m3ter allows you to create Counters and quickly implement unit-based pricing for your Product Plans to define recurring subscription charge rates on end-customer Accounts. Common pricing use cases the feature fulfills are seat-based or user license pricing. For these sorts of cases, unit quantities can fluctuate from one billing period to the next and you'll want to offer end-customers a flexible pricing model. Importantly, hybrid-pricing for Products is enabled and you can apply both usage-based and unit-based pricing for a single Product. For more details see Recurring Charges: Counters.
Trust Center. The m3ter Trust Center is now available where you can review details of the data protection and security measures we maintain for the platform.
Salesforce Integration. The native integration for Salesforce now supports Account, Contract, or Prepayments/Commitments when creating an integration. See Configuring Salesforce Integrations.
Manage Multiple Integrations. If you need to set up multiple integrations with the same 3rd-party system, you can now easily manage which m3ter objects and fields are mapped into which of the different integrations you've set up for that system. When creating External Mappings for integrations, you can define the Parent Integration the mapping is to be used for. For each integration, you can then enable a setting to enforce only those external mappings specifying the integration as the parent are the mappings used for the integration. See Creating and Managing External Mappings.
Product for Plans. For ease of reference, the Product to which a Plan or Plan Template belongs is now shown on the Plan/Plan Templates Details page, and you can open the Product Details page directly from there.
Billed Recurring Charges Chart. In the Account Overview tab, if the Account has been charged for recurring subscription charges, you can select a Counter used to apply unit-based pricing to the Account Plan and open a Billed Recurring Charges chart.
Default Values Shown. When configuring an object that can inherit a default setting from another object - for example whether a Plan will use the setting set at Plan Template level for minimum spend amounts to be billed in advance/in arrears or override it - the actual default values are now clearly shown on the create/edit forms.
Fix: If more than 100 Bills are selected for a recalculate Bill Job in the Console Bill Management page, then the Bill Job will fail. A clear error now shows for users if this occurs.
Fix: When updating a User profile, any errors are now properly displayed to users.
Fix: If you select to open a Bill in the Bill Management page for an Account that no longer exists, then an error is now clearly shown informing you of this.
Integration Configurations. You can now give specific names to your Integration Configurations, which is useful if you require multiple Integrations for the same destination and need to clearly differentiate them.
Coming Soon - Recurring Charges! The capability to charge for your products using subscription or recurring charge pricing will soon be available out-of-the-box in the m3ter platform. This new unit-based pricing feature will allow you to charge customers in flexible way - based on the numbers of product units, seats, or user licenses subscribed to within a given billing period. This new feature will support and facilitate applying hybrid pricing models for your products in m3ter - where recurring charge pricing is combined with usage-based pricing for a product.
Working with Meters.
Listed by Product. The Meters page has been updated to list Meters by Product or as Global. This makes finding Meters easier and removes the need to select a Product first. The create Meter workflow is then streamlined since Product is pre-selected.
Ingest API Code Samples. Code Samples for making usage data measurement submissions for a Meter are now provided on the Submit Measurements panel of Meter Details pages - JSON, cURL, JavaScript, Python, and Java. These samples can be conveniently copied directly to your clipboard.
Activity Panel. Meter Details pages now provide an Activity Panel, which allows you to quickly check that usage data measurement submissions for a Meter have been successfully ingested into the platform. Up to a maximum of the five most recent submissions made in the last hour are listed. See Submitting and Checking Test Usage Data for more details.
Usability Issues.
When users are submitting usage data measurements from an Account page, a warning text now advises that any changes made in Advanced view are persisted for Simple view on the Submit usage data form. This helps to avoid usage data submissions being made for incorrect Meters or Accounts.
Forms that allow users selection for Billing in advance/in arrears options now use a radio button set, since the options are mutually exclusive.
Coming Soon! A new Console with updated layout and navigation is coming soon. For now, you can check out a preview of the new Console from your Dashboard page. You can submit feedback when previewing and we'd welcome your views from trying out the new layout and navigation.
File Upload Service API. If you have prepared a usage data measurements file in JSON format ready for upload using the File Upload Service, you can now perform the upload directly in the Console. The File Upload API tab on the Submit Measurements panel on Meter Details pages allows you to either drag-and-drop the file or select it for upload. See the File Upload Service API topic for more details.
Listing File Upload Jobs. The List File Upload Jobs call now offers dateCreatedStart
and dateCreatedEnd
optional query parameters, which allows you to define a date range and filter the File Upload Jobs returned.
Fix: When linking a Credential to an Integration, the select dialog now lists the timestamp for the date the Credential was created.
Fix: The Create Aggregation form in the Console now properly clears out both the Meter and Target field drop-downs if the Product selection is changed.
Fix: An error where the Console attempted to load an Account where no id was available is now resolved by running a check for id first.
Fix: An error preventing users from viewing Integration Destination details is now resolved.
Fix: The submit usage workflow for an Account now works correctly when a Meter has been selected - previously the workflow might hang after Meter selection.
Fix: A UI issue where Account Details with long strings failed to wrap text is now resolved.
Fix: A problem with the Users tab on the Organization Access page in the Console where the Users panel was hidden when the browser window was narrowed is now resolved. A similar problem when viewing an Account Prepayment Details page has also been addressed.
Salesforce Native Integration. You can now create and manage native integrations for sending your end customer Account Bills generated in m3ter outbound into your Salesforce system. See Configuring Salesforce Integrations for more details.
Notifications for Disabled Integration. You can set up Emails notifications to be sent to Organization users when an Integration has been auto-disabled. See the Setting Up and Managing Native and Notification Integrations section for more details.
Usability Enhancements:
Pricing Editor. When users are setting up to price Product Plans in the Pricing Editor, the workflow is improved to avoid the creation of duplicated pricing - items which have already been selected for pricing are now removed from selection lists:
Plans and Plan Templates.
Aggregations and Compound Aggregations.
Billing for Accounts and Prepayments. The First bill date setting for Account and Prepayment/Commitment billing forms has been changed to Billing cycle date to clarify the purpose of this setting for users, with an advisory text shown on forms giving an example of how the setting can be used.
Bill Management. When users define a period to view Bills using the Invoice Date calendar popups, both the start and end date are interpreted inclusively and this is now clearly labeled.
Meter Details. Users can now commence a workflow directly from a Meter Details page to create an Aggregation that targets one of the Meter's Data Fields or Derived Fields.
Integration Credentials. The Credentials page now contains a Created Date column to help users distinguish Credentials they've created for the same integration destination.
User/Password Authentication. Advisory texts have been added to the m3ter sign-in modal to enhance the user login experience and reminding users:
The Email address used for sign-in is case sensitive.
Temporary passwords cannot be reset and a new one must be requested.
Fix: An issue that allowed duplicate pricing grid rows to appear in the Pricing Editor is now resolved.
Fix: Credit or Debit line items on Approved or Locked Bills can no longer be edited or deleted.
Fix: Labels have been made consistent across Plan Details and Plan Template Details pages.
Fix: Settings on Pricing forms are now grouped to match the styling used on other configuration forms.
Fix: An issue where a pricing would not show in the Pricing Editor when a minimum spend was not configured has been resolved.
Fix: Duplication of a Plan Template from the Pricing Editor is now working correctly.
Connector for Salesforce. The m3ter Connector for Salesforce is now available as an initial release version. If you are interested in installing the Connector into your Salesforce environment to sync your Salesforce data with the m3ter platform, please get in touch with m3ter Support or your m3ter contact. See m3ter Connector for Salesforce for more details.
Event Notifications. When a Notification is triggered for an Event, the Notification payload sent out to a webhook now contains details of the Event. See Event Notification Payload.
Usability Enhancements:
When users attempt to sign in with the platform, the alternative authentication methods —using either Email/Password credentials or Single Sign-On (SSO)—are now clearly signposted.
Configuring a Bill auto-approval setting for an Organization has been improved. The default period is now set at 24 hours, and a clear warning text explains a possible conflict if scheduled billing is also enabled.
When selecting an Aggregation/Compound Aggregation for pricing a Product Plan, a clear warning informs users that the selection list is pre-filtered to show only those Aggregations/Compound Aggregations belonging to the same Product as the Plan together with any Global Aggregations/Compound Aggregations created for the Organization.
Users confronting empty pick-lists when attempting to add Currencies/Transactions/Credits/Debits are now shown a warning that no relevant items are available, with advice to check for archived items and, alternatively, use a link taking them directly to the relevant page to commence a create item workflow.
Time Period options for Data Explorer query setup have been adjusted for usability and clarity with options now fully documented - for example, at Building and Performing a Usage Data Query.
When reviewing a Pricing configuration, the Pricing Details card now clearly distinguishes between the Pricing type and Pricing applied as setting.
Updated button labels used when attaching Product and Custom Plans to Accounts to create Account Plans now make it clear what this workflow achieves, and help to avoid confusion with the separate workflow for creating Product or Custom Plans in the first place.
When creating or editing an Account Prepayment, an improved Prepayment Draw-Down card assists users in selecting the Products and charge types made available for draw-down against the Prepayment.
Fix: The pricing for a Global Plan added to Custom Plan Group can no longer be edited in the Associated Pricing panel for the Custom Plan Group.
Fix: Aggregations added to the Associated Pricing panel for Plan or Plan Template Details pages now persist.
Fix: The Submit Usage form now correctly auto-updates the UID field for the usage data measurement submission when users switch to and from Simple/Advanced view before making the submission.
Fix: Creation of Custom Currencies now imposes the constraint that a three-character Code must be used.
A Service Status page is now available, which can be accessed directly from the Console main navigation. On this page you can check the current operational status of the platform's Config API and Ingest API services, together with a percentage measure of status over the last 90 days. To review a breakdown of service performance status over the 90 days, you can expand a service. For more details, see Checking Service Status.
Integration Credentials can now be created and managed separately from Integration Configurations. You can then use these Credentials to set up authentication of m3ter integrations with your 3rd-party systems. For more details, see Creating and Managing Integration Credentials.
Configuring pricing for a Product Plan has been made easier in Pricing Editor and Plan Details - separate buttons for adding Plans and Aggregations are now clearly shown instead of users having to open a menu to select these options.
The m3ter authentication flow for both Username/Password and Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication is now handled directly in the Console, leading to a smoother experience when accessing the platform.
When checking Integration Run details, the presentation and styling of the payload has been improved to be more accessible and readable.
When selecting Aggregations to price Product Plans, a useful warning is now shown informing users that the Aggregations available are restricted to those belonging to the same Product as the Plan and any Global Aggregations.
Fix: Keyboard accessibility issues on Create forms in the Console have now been addressed.
Fix: An issue where Bill line items might be duplicated by being associated with both a Product ID and a Plan Group ID has now been fixed.
Native Integrations. If you want to send outbound bills for Accounts to multiple destinations in your 3rd-party Accounts Receivable system, you can now use an Account Filter setting on a native integration to do this. You can enter an expression for Account Filter that references available Account fields or references custom fields you have added to Accounts. The integration will then run for an Account only if the expression is satisfied. See Managing Multiple Third Party Destinations for Integrations for more details.
Integration Credentials. Any authentication credentials you've set up for connecting native integrations to 3rd-party systems or for notification integration webhook destinations are now listed in a new Credentials page, where you can view and manage them. See Managing Integration Credentials for more details.
Product-specific vs. Global Entities. Usability and workflow changes now help reinforce the distinction between Product-specific and Global Meters and Aggregations:
When a Product is selected for Meters, Aggregations, and Compound Aggregation pages, any Global entities are included in the list but are clearly labeled - previously users had to to first de-select a Product to see Global entities listed. If Product is de-selected, only Global entities are listed.
Creating Aggregations:
If you select a Product for the Aggregations list, the Meter pick list on the Create form only shows Meters belonging to the Product as targets.
If you de-select Product for the Aggregations list, the Meter pick list on the Create form only shows Global Meters as targets.
If you de-select Product once inside the Create form, the Meter pick list adjusts to only show Global Meters as targets.
See Creating Product Aggregations, Creating Global Aggregations, and Compound Aggregations for more details.
Revisiting Recent Pages. You can now use a Recents button to open a panel listing links to recently visited pages, such as Accounts, and allowing you to quickly re-open these pages.
Empty Pick Lists. Users attempting a workflow where prerequisites do not yet exist previously confronted empty pick lists, such as trying to add a Transaction to a Balance but no Transaction Types yet exist in their Organization. A clear warning is now given with a hotlink which takes users directly to the relevant Create page for the missing entity. When they click to create the missing entity, they are taken back to their original workflow to continue.
Fix: The UI validation for a Notification Rule now only runs when the Always fire notification switch is not selected.
Fix: When selected, the Re-enable button on the Integration Details card for a disabled Integration Configuration now correctly re-enables it.
Fix: An error shown in the Console when trying to connect to a Paddle integration has been resolved.
m3ter Single Sign-On (SSO) is now available and supports SAML based Identity Providers (IdPs). m3ter SSO allows users with federated identities that exist in different IdPs to sign into m3ter without having to manually provision new users/identities in m3ter’s user pool. See m3ter Single Sign-On for details.
We recommend setting up your end-customer Accounts prior to submitting usage data measurements for them, but we appreciate this may not always be possible. To avoid rejecting usage data measurements in instances where the measurement is submitted but an Account does not yet exist in your Organization, the m3ter system will now auto-create an Account for you. See Submitting Usage Data for Non-Existent Accounts for details.
When creating a custom Plan and attaching it to create an Account Plan on an Account, you can now immediately define the Account hierarchy billing mode to be applied for Parent/Child Account contexts. This is also now available when creating and attaching custom Plan Groups to Accounts.
For Parent/Child Account contexts, Child Accounts Bills cannot be calculated separately from the Parent Account billing. In the Console, relevant Account and billing management pages now make this restriction clear by disabling Run Billing and Recalculate Bills for Child Accounts and also showing a warning why these actions are blocked for Child Accounts.
On entity create and edit configuration forms, fields are now presented under functional groupings with mandatory and optional field groupings labeled accordingly. When building a configuration to meet their specific functional requirements, this allows users to quickly focus on the fields relevant to required features and ignore those features not needed for their specific requirements.
Fix: The Pricing Editor now correctly shows a newly created Plan pricing when saved.
Fix: When creating entities used to populate picklists, such as currencies or transaction types, the Code field can now be properly edited when first creating the entity.
When reviewing an Account in the Overview tab, the latest ten Bills for the Account are listed together with two informative charts covering the billing period:
Revenue Tracking. Review and track Account revenue.
Billed Usage. Select an aggregated usage pricing metric and review the billed usage against the Account.
See Working in Account Overview for more details.
The Invitation Details page now lists the Permission Policies assigned to the invited user.
Fix: Prevent enter key submitting forms unexpectedly when using drop-downs.
Fix: Percentage pricing rounding error.
Fix: External mapping combo box error.
Fix: Error when no Permission Policies defined for a user Invitation.
The Xero native integration is now available as a beta release version. See Configuring Xero Integrations for more details.
When you price a Custom Plan for an Account, the Plan is now clearly labelled as Custom in the Pricing Grid.
The Plan Template create/edit forms in the Console now shows an optional Code field.
Fix: A bottom border misalignment issue that could occur in some browsers for the Bill table page in the Console has now been resolved.
Fix: On some browsers, a validation error was shown when attempting to enter a decimal value in the Console usage data measurement submission form. This is now resolved.
Fix: The Recent Accounts panel on the Console Dashboard page now correctly loads only the five most recently visited Accounts.
Fix: On create and edit forms in the Console, pressing the Enter key after entering a search term in a searchable select drop-down field resulted in the form being submitted prematurely. This no longer occurs.
Fix: Resolved issues for search API calls: Search Accounts, Search Bills, or Search Commitments:
If sortOrder
is specified in a searchQuery
, the sort now works correctly.
The way in which the tilde "~" comparator works when used in a searchQuery
string is now explained in the API Reference topic for these calls.
The Ingest Failure Events feature is now generally available for all customers. This allows you to review and troubleshoot validation failure Events generated when usage data measurements you submit to the platform fail to ingest properly. For more details, see Reviewing and Resolving Ingest Events.
External Mappings for 3rd-party integrations can now be created in bulk for a given mapping type. See Creating Bulk External Mappings for more details.
When reviewing Bills in the Bill Management page, you can now filter the Bills listed:
By Status to show only the Approved/Pending or Locked.
By Bill frequency to show only the Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Annually.
See Filtering Bills for more details.
A breakdown of Overage Usage line item is now shown on Bills.
Usability improvements:
Drop-down selection lists for entities across the Console now show entity Codes as well as Names.
Reordering columns for the Bill Management listing and the Data Explorer loaded query Data Tables is now made easier with drag-and-drop functionality.
On the Alerts and Users pages, a non-intuitive row click selection is replaced with either an Alert Details button or single User name selection.
Fix: The Compound Aggregation create form now shows a default value of None for the Rounding attribute.
Fix: The Bill Details page Approve button now properly shows as disabled when the Bill has been Approved.
Fix: The Global Lock Date modal now correctly locks all Approved Bills whose service period end date falls on or before the specified date.
Fix: The billId
query parameter now shows for the List Statement Job API call in the API Reference.
Organization Admin users can now promptly resend a temporary password to users who failed to log into the platform before their original temporary password expired.
In the Console, you can now select a Meter set up to collect usage data and perform a File Upload using a CSV
formatted file you've prepared for usage data measurements ingest into the platform. Prior to ingest, the uploaded file is parsed and loaded into a table for review and validation, with any errors in formatting requirements, required code, or required Meter data fields values clearly shown to ensure data measurements ingest failure is avoided.
A User's profile can now be quickly edited for name changes.
Entity IDs are now shown on entity Details cards. IDs can be copied directly to a user's clipboard, providing quick access to entity IDs for those working with API calls to the platform.
When reviewing and investigating Integration Error and Ingest Failure Events, Events are now clearly labelled as either actioned or not actioned, and users can now toggle to show or hide actioned Events.
Warnings are now clearly shown to alert users to the risk of duplicate billing when switching between consolidated billing and non-consolidated billing across their end-customers Accounts, and after billing has already been run in one of these modes.
New API endpoints are available for Search Accounts, Search Bills, and Search Commitments calls. The searchQuery
parameter for each call allows you to build a complex query using a variety of fields available on the queried entity.
API endpoints are now available for setting up Scheduled Event Configurations. These API calls allow you to create, configure, and manage Scheduled Events as custom Events for your Organization that reference Date/Time fields belonging to configuration and billing entities. Scheduled Events therefore provide you with an extra degree of flexibility over and above system-generated Events when setting up Notifications based on Events.
Fix: The Timestamp field on the Console Submit Usage form is no longer updated automatically for successive usage data ingest measurement submissions.
Fix: Access to the Account Actions menu from Account pages has been updated to avoid styling overlap issues and to conform to the Console menu access paradigm.
Fix: The Organization selection screen at Console login now scrolls elegantly without losing the search field for users belonging to many Organizations when they scroll their list.
Fix: The end date for Contracts associated with an Account can now be set at the Account level as well as at the Contract level.
When logging in to the Console, users with access to more than one Organization now see a Select Organization screen. This helps users to quickly open the Organization they want to work in and avoids having to first open a default Organization. The last accessed Organization is clearly shown for selection and a search is available.
The Approve Bills API call now offers a billIds
request parameter, which can be used to perform batch approval of Bills.
Fix: The presentation of the time taken for Integration run tasks has been simplified.
End-dating of the Billing entities associated with an Account - Contracts, Account Plans, Pricings, or Prepayments - can now be done directly from an Account page in the Console. This capability proves very useful for cases where you need to create new agreements with end-customers - such as for renewals or mid-service term amendments - and for service cancellations.
The Dashboard page has been re-modeled to now show a Recent Accounts listing, allowing you to quickly return to those Accounts you have worked on recently.
Days before Bills are due after the initial Bill generation date can now be defined at the individual Account level and to override the setting defined at Organizational level. This allows Bill due dates to be set differently across different end-customer Accounts.
Where an integration with an external system has been set up for sending Bills outbound, the Bill Details cards now include a status for the Last Completed Integration Run Date.
Inviting users to join your Organization and managing your invitations can now be done more easily using a separate tab on the Access page.
The Meter Details card now lists the Data Fields and Derived Fields set up for a Meter.
When setting up External Mappings, if the possible values for the External entity ID field can be fetched for the External system and m3ter entity selections, then you can use a drop-down list to select the value for this field from the list of possible values returned.
The layout for Bills has been restyled to improve readability and help differentiate main running totals from individual line item breakdown amounts when reviewing Bills.
A Search Account API call is now available, which you can use to build a query to return a selection of Accounts using a wide variety of search criteria. We expect the Accounts search functionality to be available in the Console soon.
Fix: The option to select a Parent Account when editing an Account that is itself a Parent Account is now disabled on the edit Account form.
Fix: The edit linked Plans button is now appropriately disabled on the Plan Group Attachment Details page when the Plan Group is empty.
Fix: long-text entity Name and Code fields are now accommodated elegantly within UI details cards and forms.
Fix: Error handling has been improved for Notification Rule calculation testing.
Fix: Breadcrumb links have been removed where no destination page exists.
Fix: Notification Rule can now be saved without testing calculation.
Fix: When duplicating Plans or Plan Templates, the Name and Code field are no longer pre-populated with the existing Plan's or Plan Template's Name and Code values.
Bill details page improved for ease of use and Bill review. When a Bill is opened the Bill entity details are now shown on a separate card from the breakdown of charges that make up the Bill total.
General usability improvements:
Details cards now clearly indicate Custom Plans/Plan Groups and identify the Accounts they are Custom Plans/Plan Groups for.
Create/Edit/Add buttons labeled specifically for the entities being created or edited or added.
The selection click area for radio button and checkbox options now tightly restricted to area of text label footprint to prevent unintended selections by stray clicks.
The Pricing Schedule page now shows audit data for the Product Plan and Aggregation used to price it.
A specific expiry date can now be set when inviting other Users to join your Organization and to override the default expiry date of 30 days from when the invite was sent out.
The Pricing Editor now shows a pricing readiness guide when opened for a Product where not all of the required configuration for starting to price Product Plans has been completed. As the required pricing readiness configuration work is carried out, the guide show a percentage progression to completion.
API calls are now available which allow you to end-date the Billing entities - Contracts, Account Plans, or Prepayments - associated with an end-customer Account or with an Account a Contract has been attached to.
Fix: Bill breakdown - usage per price band unit price didn't align with line item subtotals.
Fix: Add missing account external mappings table translations.
Fix: Data Explorer dimensions for usage data queries now loaded sequentially to ensure smooth loading.
Audit data is now automatically generated for all main m3ter entity details pages. This logs which users created and which last modified the entity and when.
The order or selection for billing draw-down against Prepayment or Billing credit amounts on Accounts can now be defined. Options are: Prepayments first, Balances first, Prepayment only, or Balances only. This gives much greater flexibility for meeting specific use cases for handling the consumption of credits on end-customer Accounts.
You no longer need to attach a Product Plan or Plan Group to an Account in order to add a Prepayment to the Account and set up billing for fees on outstanding Prepayment amount.
Check if a Bill Statement needs refreshing by comparing the Bill calculation timestamp against the Statement last modified date, which is available in the response to a get Statement API call.
Five new system Events are now generated for integration errors and are available for Notifications. When any of these Events occur, they are surfaced on a Console page with an explanatory message. Operational support for managing these integrations error Events is provided with a button linking you out directly to start the appropriate follow up workflow to troubleshoot and resolve. When resolved, error Events can be marked as actioned and removed from the Events page.
New options added for setting up a Chargebee Integration:
Multi-decimal values. If multi-decimal support is enabled in your Chargebee site, you can now set precise decimal places for sending price and unit values out from m3ter to match your Chargebee settings and achieve greater precision when integrating data.
Synchronize credits. For an outbound billing flow, negative bill line items can now be synchronized with credits in Chargebee
Permission Policy Statements can now be quickly compiled using an advanced editor to choose Effect, Actions, and Resources.
The Pricing Editor grid labeling has been improved making clear where a Plan has been priced directly instead of inheriting it's pricing from a Plan Template .
General usability improvements:
Details pages standardized across main configuration entities and now show audit data and custom fields.
Radio button sets used where few available options for ease of option selection.
Simple on/off toggle for bill in advance/in arrears selections to avoid possible confusion.
The submit test usage data measurements modal is improved to regenerate submit measurement UIDs for successive submissions. A submissions log is also now built as you make submissions, which is helpful when querying for ingested data at a later time.
Purchase Order Number now shows on Bill details.
Bill line items now ordered by Aggregation or Compound Aggregation.
An AI-powered Help Assistant is now available directly in the Console through the Help Center. The Assistant is fully-trained on our entire documentation knowledge base and can quickly provide answers to your questions as you work on the platform, giving direct links into relevant documentation topics.
Fix: Prepayment fee billing setting on Organization Configuration card.
Fix: Advanced usage data submission UID reset.
You can now invite new Users to your Organization:
Assign Permission Policies to control their access level when they accept the invite.
Deactivate and reactivate invited User's access.
Set an expiry date for accepting the invite.
When creating a Notification Rule, you can configure the Notification to always be triggered when an Event occurs, and without any further conditions for sending the Notification being defined.
System Events available for Integration errors. Review and troubleshoot to resolve errors from the Integrations > Events page in the Console.
Events on Statement Jobs - receive notifications when a statement job changes status so you can take action. For example:
Send statements to customers
Refresh your customer billing dashboard
Integration run details can be reviewed in the Console for Bill and Notification integrations.
Add enable checkbox for bill numbering.
Update approve Bills modal to allow approval by date range.
Add Bill export button.
Listing Bills from Bill Management can now be filtered by date range and Locked or Approved/Pending status.
Extended line item details shown on Bills.
Target Currency selection available on Run Billing modal.
Billing data query results in Data Explorer show line item descriptions.
Pre-defined "Current Month" and "Last Month" ranges added to date range picker for Bills listing.
Codes for Meter Data Fields and Derived Fields auto-generated from entered name string.
Product details page added.
Native Integration 3rd-party authentication set up separated from main integration configuration workflow.
Plan creation workflow now requires existing Plan Template selection.
Bulk delete available on External Mappings page.
Account Actions menu added to Account details page.
Accounting Product selection required when creating a Prepayment/Commitment.
Line Item charge types for draw-down against a Prepayment/Commitment can now be selected.
Details pages for main configuration entities show audit data on User activity for "Created by" and "Last modified by".
Fix: Filtering of plans on custom plan group page.
Fix: Order pricing grid columns and rows by name.
Fix: Incorrect Bill prefix and sequence number on account overview.
Fix: Bill line item reference numbers displaying undefined.
Fix: Remove hard-coded page size from Bills lists.
Fix: Allow adding custom plan to custom plan group.
Fix: Duplicating prepayments that use a Bill schedule.
Fix: Missing translations for External Mappings.
Fix: Date picker pop-up positioning bug.
Fix: Save issue when creating Pricing using wizard.
Fix: Date selection for Epoch dates.
Fix: Prepayment Consumption chart only shows trending data up to the Prepayment's end date.
Chargebee and Quickbooks now available as native integrations.
Bill Statements can now be defined and generated as backing sheets for end customer Bills. Once generated, you can then download Statements in either JSON or CSV format to transpose and compile them into the required format.
Download Bills in CSV format.
Approve Bills for selected date range.
Using the List Bills API call, you can now filter Bills returned by Locked status or Start/End dates.
Switch available on Bill details to hide zero quantity line items and reduce Bill clutter.
Set Global lock date for Bills.
Bill currency conversion summary added to Bill details.
Notification Rules can now be created and configured in the Console for system Events. You can then link Notification Rules to integration Destination webhooks to complete alerting and notification set up and have your Notifications sent through to your external systems.
You can now use an option to show Prepayment fee overage usage charges as separate line items on Bills.
Prepayment/Commitment details page now contains a consumption chart showing minimum expected consumption, actual consumption, and consumption trend for the service period.
Balance Create form now has options to select the products consumed and charge types that can drawn-down against the Balance amount.
Overage Percentage setting now available for Balances.
Bill line item groupings now show clear labels for Product/Prepayment charges.
Bill details page now shows total at top of page.
Custom Bill reference prefix and numbering sequence start can now be set at Organization level.
Service User creation now supported with wizard.
Fix: Handle error when cancelling bill jobs.
Fix: Fix default for last day month changes.
Fix: Prevent usage explorer error if we can't load dimensions.
Fix: Disable close on overlay click for run billing modal.
Fix: Increase Bill list page size to 50.
Added Balance amount events. Users can now trigger notifications when a Balance amount is updated and reaches a certain threshold.
New overage pricing and overage surcharge settings for Balances. When a Balance is fully consumed, merchants can configure 3 different actions:
Specify a rollover amount and expiry date. This is the existing behavior.
Specify an overage percentage, either positive or negative, which will increase or decrease the standard billed rate at which any further usage is charged against an Account once any Balance on the Account is fully consumed. This can be used to incentivize end customers to top up their Balance, or to move onto a different billing arrangement with you.
Specify overage pricing. When creating pricing using a tiered pricing structure for Plans, overage pricing can also be defined. Overage pricing cuts in when the Balance is fully consumed. This is another way to increase or decrease the standard billed rate charged against an Account once a Balance on the Account has been consumed.
Service Period dates.
Balance consumption shown on m3ter Bills now includes the service period that the Balance covered.
Bill Statements.
Bill Statements can be used as informative backing sheets to invoices. They provide a breakdown of the usage charges that appear on the Bill, and help your end customers understand better those charges and gain a better picture of their usage over the billing period.
Bill Statements can be defined for Meter usage data measures that form the basis of pricing rates used to calculate billing charges together with other Meter usage data dimensions. These other usage data dimensions are used as the basis for a breakdown of the billed usage to produce backing sheets for invoices. Usage data can be de-aggregated and grouped for use on the end customer Statement. It is downloadable in .csv or JSON format for rendering via 3rd party tools.
Note: The Bill Statements features is available on request.
m3ter Support. Console users can now submit a request to grant m3ter Support access to their m3ter Organization for troubleshooting purposes, and when they have submitted a Support ticket.
Permission Policies.
In the Console, Administrator users can create custom Permission Policies to assign to other users and service users, and then apply these Policies to control precisely users' access to Organization resources. Permission Policies can be defined to assist with the separation of duties for users within the Console, in addition to restricting access to specific areas. For example, an ingest only user will not have access to any other m3ter functions.
User groups are now available in the m3ter Console. Permission Policies can be applied to User Groups. Users can then be added to a User Group and any Permission Policies applied to the Group are applied to the member Users. User Groups:
Allow logical grouping of resources for different roles within your Organization. For example, a Billing Operations User Group can have a Permission Policy applied to the Group to restrict access to only those resources needed to perform their routine billing tasks - such as Bills, Accounts, and so on. All Billing Operations team members can then be assigned to the Group.
Help solve common issues when trying to apply very fine-grained permissions.
Added capability to create and manage Permission Policies.
Line item currency now used for Bill unit prices.
New search field in External Mappings list.
Added maximum decimal places column to currencies list.
Improved labels for Product and Bill hotlinks in External Mappings list.
Added Bill in Advance / Arrears to Plan and Plan Template details.
Obligations panel in the Data Explorer > Prepayments tab.
Fix: Date range picker bug.
Fix: Handles single zero-priced band on Pricing edit.
Fix: Pick list currencies now use the number of decimal places specified.
Fix: Page titles now always show and update correctly.
Fix: Global lock date setting now works as expected.
Draw downs across Account hierarchies enabled for Prepayments fee billing. New drawdown mode enables control of whether to draw down Prepayments against the child or parent account.
Add debit memos to bills that can be used to correct undercharges for example.
New Consolidate Bills option in the Organization Configuration. Bills are currently created by bill date and billing frequency. When enabled, charges that are billed on a given bill date are automatically added to the bill regardless of charge billing frequency. All charges due on the date are put into one bill instead of separate bills for each of the different billing frequencies.
"Commitment Details" now known as "Prepayment Details".
Timezone field is now a pick-list. As well as UTC and GMT-relative tz database formats being listed, a complete set of tz database regional timezones is also available for selection.
Custom field editor columns now have labels.
Bills list filter now uses date range picker.
Organization Settings now uses a Debit Reason pick-list.
Added full currency symbols to distinguish for example, between Canadian and US Dollars.
"Aggregated Usage" has been added as an external mappings m3ter entity type.
Added pagination to Users list.
Settings > Access page now has a Support Access tab. Enables granting m3ter Support temporary access to your Organization for investigation and troubleshooting.
Added Product label to Account Plans list.
Fix: Bill list date resetting.
Fix: Error in Pricing Grid Pricing Navigator.
New Prepayment/Commitment details page accessed directly from Account>Prepayments tab. Includes Prepayment Fee details and Fee billing dates.
Added links to Plan, Plan Template, Meter, and Aggregation from the Pricing Edit form.
Added Custom Fields for Aggregations and Compound Aggregations.
Account Custom Fields sorted by key now displayed on Account Overview>Details card.
New switch in the Organization Configuration form to suppress generating bills when they are empty.
Added Code field in the Balances tab.
Added Currency Code to Account Details card.
Implemented inline Learning Center panel with direct links to documentation and context-sensitive Help call outs.
Added gift-box button for direct access to latest What's New blog.
New String manipulation functions available for calculations.
Fix: Billing spinners showing after job is complete.
Fix: Timezone related issues with bill dates when running billing, approving all bills or setting the lock date.
Fix: Long balances layout issue.
Fix: Destinations list data in External Mappings.
Fix: Restored account name to Account Details page.
Fix: Prevent long account names breaking layout.
Fix: Exclude archived currencies from the currency drop-down.
New Events and Notifications feature available in the API. Define and implement notifications that are triggered by system events in your m3ter Organization.
Automatically send outbound Bills from m3ter to Paddle with updated native Paddle integration.
Bill Management enhancements
Can now run bill jobs within an Account.
New Bill Job modal enabling billing of one or all bill frequencies based on bill date.
Can now view all bills within a period - m3ter will show you all the Bills from the 1st of the month to the current day.
Added ability to delete one or more pending bills.
Can now view running bill jobs in the Console.
New field invoiceRef added to Bills.
Added account currency setting, which enables setting a different billing currency against an account. Optional field.
Allows Bill Jobs to be run from UI and use the account currency setting.
If left blank, the organization billing currency is used.
External Invoice date can now be set in the Console and via API (new field externalInvoiceDate). Use case is when recognizing usage revenue in the same period that it is consumed, rather than in the following month.
Days before bill due setting now available to enter the number of days after bill generation date that you want to show on bills as the due date.
New Currency pick list for use when defining the currency for an Organization, Account, Plan Template, Plan Group, Balance, or Prepayment/Commitment. Required currencies must first be defined at Organization level, which helps prevent billing errors due to mixed and undefined currencies being used.
Allows both standard world currencies to be used or user-defined custom currencies, such as "[Company Name] credits".
Bill Jobs now use the account currency as a default. If not set at the account level, the default Organization currency is used by the Bill Job.
Twelve new bill period variables now available for use in compound aggregation calculations giving tight control over the number of hours, days, or dates in a billing period.
Show option to select currencies on any screen that require a currency.
Added approve all bills modal - new pop-up that enables you to set the bill approval date for the selected bills.
New remove / unlink to child accounts list - easy access to remove child accounts from a billing hierarchy.
Bill line item rows now always show service periods.
Can now test notification rule calculations.
Fix: Consuming Balances for Bills fails at first attempt.
Fix: Incorrect units on parent breakdown line items.
Fix: Commitments / Prepayments error when trying to save prepayment after switching between billing options.
Fix: Bill item service period not reflecting account plan effective dates in some cases.
New Balances functionality that enables crediting accounts with positive or negative amounts.
New "native" integrations for NetSuite and Stripe, which allow the set up and configuration for controlling outbound Bills flow for these integrations to be performed directly in the Console.
New user defined custom billing schedule option for Prepayments/Commitments.
New math functions supported for use in Derived Field and Compound Aggregation calculations:
Data Explorer: new "Overage Usage" and "Credit Memo" as line item types.
Ability to set up tiered overage pricing on Plans for when a Prepayment/Commitment has been consumed.
If Scheduled Billing is enabled for Organization, allow a 24 hour grace period beyond active Plan end date to include charges due for late-arriving usage data in Bills.
Added navigation links to access m3ter Support web ticketing system.
New Ad Hoc Bill line item type for ad hoc charges, such as for charges on Prepayments/Commitments that have a manual (custom) bill schedule.
Alerts modal size is reduced.
Improved UX for adding a default segment.
Added overage pricing bands to the Pricing form.
Added time controls for start and end date entries to the Pricing form.
Duplicate pricing is now possible when overriding from a Pricing template.
Pricing wizard now allows negative pricing.
For clarity and to remove doubt, the text "inclusive" (start date) and "exclusive" (end date) has been added to the configuration form Date field labels.
The Remove User button in User Settings now removes the Organization user.
The Scheduled Bill Interval options now include 15 minute and 30 minute interval options in addition to hourly interval options.
Added a Contract field to Prepayments and Account Plans.
New Balances tab on Account details page.
The Code field in the Plan creation form now has a user editable default Code value auto-generated.
Fix: Bill webhook not firing on approved bills.
Fix: Commitment form fee dates validation.
Fix: Prepayment bug when switching from old Prepayments to scheduled billing.
Fix: Resolved potential XSS problem in returnPath
query parameter.
Initial Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) release:
Top-up balances for an account as many times as required.
Ability to draw down account balances via billing or manual adjustments.
Time-bound balances with the option of a grace period.
Improved billing hierarchies for parent/child account billing:
Bill a child account with pricing at the parent level.
Rollup child billing to the parent on a single bill item.
Create a Bill item per child account with price averaging.
Negative pricing and the ability to generate negative Bills:
Enables you to refund your customers for unused services.
Can now add Bill line item descriptions for Standing charges and Minimum spends.
Auto-approve Bills. Can now schedule automated Bill approval from 15 minutes to 10 days after Bill generation.
Pricing band range now visible on Bill items.
When creating a new entity and you enter a Name, a Code is auto-generated based on the Name.
Number field formatting now shows a thousands separator.
A last updated date was add to the to Alerts list modal.
Improved Data Explorer Query Builder form for easier filter selection.
Pricing Schedule can now be opened directly from pricing grid.
Historic/future pricing can now be shown in the pricing grid.
Better Pricing Schedule layout to suit smaller screens.
Ability to add start/end dates to all pricing.
Added Account Plan details to custom Plan details page, with a links to edit Plan. Same for Account Plan Group/custom Plan Group.
Accounts page 'Plans' tab renamed to 'Attached plans' to make clear the separation between Plan and Account Plan.
Added Duplicate button to Prepayments/Commitments list.
Added scheduled Bill interval setting to Org Config page for regular updating of Bills.
Added link from Bill details to Account.
Replaced Bill Period with Bill Date in several places.
Added search to popup entity selectors (for example, when picking an Aggregation from pricing grid).
When adding child accounts to a parent, a searchable Select Accounts modal is now shown.
Data Explorer usage data Query Builder now shows both Account name and code in selection list.
Fix: Update Org config form validation (issue with using 0 as the bill schedule).
Fix: Prepayments Data Explorer calculation bug.
Fix: Include global Aggregations in missing data check.
Fix: Re-open date pickers on the selected month.
Fix: Stop date pickers causing double scrollbars.
Fix: Correctly show active/inactive for plan template pricing on pricing schedule.
Fix: Pricing edit when using negative values for fixedPrice/unitPrice.
Fix: Account tabs not fitting on smaller screen widths.
Fix: Speed up Data Explorer by loading data batches in parallel.
Fix: Lists create button enabling/disabling (for example, when creating Compound Aggregations and you only have global Aggregations).
Login to the Support portal for additional help and to send questions to our Support team.