Managing Multiple Third Party Destinations for Integrations

If you want to set up multiple destinations for native integrations to send outbound bills for Accounts to your 3rd-party system, then you can use the Account Filter setting on an integration to do this:

  • When you configure the integration, enter an expression for Account Filter that references any of the available Account fields or references custom fields you have added to Accounts.

  • The integration will then run for an Account only if the expression is satisfied.

Warning: Accounts for integration runs also filtered by Global settings! Note that any filtering you set up to control which Accounts an integration runs for using the Account Ids settings under Global Configuration is in addition to any filtering you define using the Account Filter setting and explained here. See the relevant Configuring Integrations topics in this section for more details.

Account Fields for Integration Account Filter Expressions

The following fields on an Account can be referenced by the expression you enter for the Account Filter settings:

  • id

  • accountName

  • accountCode

  • address

    • addressLine1

    • addressLine2

    • addressLine3

    • addressLine4

    • locality

    • region

    • postCode

    • country

  • currency

  • customFields

Example Setup for Multiple Destinations

Suppose you use Xero as your Accounts Receivable system. When you set up a native integration in m3ter for your end customer Account Bills to be sent outbound into your Xero system, you want some Account Bills to go to a Xero US destination and other Account Bills to go to a Xero UK destination.

To satisfy this use case, you can set up two separate integrations - call them Xero US and Xero UK - and use an expression on the Account Filter to ensure each integration is run only for the relevant Accounts:

  • Xero US Integration. Enter the following expression for the Account Filter setting, which references the field on the Account object:

    • == US

  • Xero UK Integration. Enter the following expression for the Account Filter setting, which references the field on the Account object:

    • == UK

Next: Creating and Managing Outgoing Webhooks

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