Creating and Managing Integration Configurations

An Integration Configuration in m3ter consists of two parts:

  • Configuration to control how m3ter data will be synchronized with your 3rd-party system.

  • Configuration for authentication using a Credential to allow connection to an integration Destination.

You can perform both parts of this overall set up in the Console for either Native or Notification Integration Configurations:

  • A Native Integration Configuration allows you to implement an integration to send billing data for end-customer Accounts into your 3rd-party invoicing and finance systems as Destinations.

  • A Notification Integration Configuration allows you to implement notifications triggered by m3ter system Events to be sent out to webhooks as Destinations.

This topic provides general guidance on how to create both types of Integration Configuration, and links you out to detailed guidance on how to complete Integration Configurations. When you create either type, they are listed on the Integration Configurations page in the Console. From there, you can manage you Integration Configurations to edit and review details:

Creating and Managing Native Integration Configurations

Creating Native Integration Configurations

You can create Native Integration Configurations for a billing data flow into 3rd-party systems as Destinations. For detailed guidance on how to achieve this, please see the relevant specific topics in this section of the documentation:

Reviewing and Managing Native Integrations

To review and manage Native Integrations:

1. Select Integrations:

The Configurations page of the Integrations section opens:

The Grid layout helps you to easily review and manage integrations in your m3ter Organization with external systems:

  • You can quickly identify which systems are integrated with your m3ter Organization:

    • External systems with an integration configured show a green checkmark.

    • Open the details page for an existing integration - see Step 2 below.

    • Edit or delete an integration and existing integration - see Step 4 below.

  • If you're planning to set up an integration:

    • Use a Read docs hotlink to open the topic explaining how to configure an integrations for that system.

    • Select Configure new integration to commence your workflow.

2. If you want to review the details of a Native Integration, select the NAME hotlink text for the Integration. The Integration details page opens:

In this example, we've open the details for a Bill - QuickBooks Native Integration. Note that:

  • We can see that the Integration Connection is currently DISCONNECTED from the QuickBooks system:

    • If you want to connect the Integration, select Add credential. A Select one Integration Credential modal appears, which you can use to select the Credential you want to use to connect the integration. See Creating QuickBooks Integration Credentials.

  • The Configuration data is given in JSON format. You can copy this directly to your clipboard.

Warning: Integration Configuration Disabled! If there have been 10 successive previous error Event responses to earlier attempts to run the integration, then an integration is automatically disabled and a Re-enable button will show for the Integration details. Please check the earlier error Events to resolve any issues preventing the integration from running before you re-enable the integration. See Reviewing and Resolving Integration Events for more details.

3. Select the Configurations breadcrumb link at the top of the page to return to the Configurations page.

4. If you want to edit an existing integration, select the Edit button:

The Edit page opens and shows the Entity type and Integration destination at the top of the page.

5. Make the required editing changes and select Update. You are returned to the Configurations page.

6. If you want to remove an existing Integration Configuration, select delete:

A confirmation popup appears.

7. Select Yes to confirm the delete action.


  • Configuration List view? Alternatively, you can select to review and manage your integration Configurations using a List view. However, you will not be able to commence a create integration Configuration workflow from this view.

  • Reviewing Native Integration runs once operational? When you have deployed a Native Integration for your Organization in m3ter, you can review the details of integration runs - for details, see Reviewing Integration Run Details.

Creating and Managing Notification Integration Configurations

Creating Notification Integration Configurations

To create a Notification Integration Configuration, you must first create a Notification rule based on a system Event. You can then link this Notification Rule to a webhook Destination. When you make this link, it creates a Notification Integration Configuration, which is then listed on the Integration Configurations page.

For details on how to create Notification Rules based on system Events and link them to integration webhook Destinations, see Creating, Managing, and Reviewing Notifications.

Reviewing and Managing Notification Integration Configurations

To review and manage Notification Configurations:

1. Select Integrations:

The Configurations page opens, with Grid view selected

2. Select List. The page adjusts to list your integration Configurations.

3. If you want to review the details of a Notification Configuration, select the NAME hotlink text for the Integration. The Integration details page opens:

Note that you can read-off and copy directly to your clipboard:

  • The Notification ID.

  • The Webhook Destination ID.

  • The Configuration data in JSON format.

The Last completed integration date is also given. You can select the date hotlink text to review the details of this last completed run - see Reviewing Notification Integration Runs for details.

Warning: Integration Configuration Disabled! If there have been 10 successive previous error Event responses to earlier attempts to run the integration, then an integration is automatically disabled and a Re-enable button will show for the Integration details. Please check the earlier error Events to resolve any issues preventing the integration from running before you re-enable the integration. See Reviewing and Resolving Integration Events for more details.

4. Select the Configurations breadcrumb link at the top of the page to return to the Configurations page, and select List again.

5. Select the Edit button for a Notification Configuration you want to edit:

The Edit page opens and shows the Entity type and Integration destination at the top of the page:

You can configure which Accounts you want to include or exclude for the Notification Configuration:

  • Suppose you've set up a Notification based on a config.commitment.created system Event and for the Notification to be triggered only when the new commitment created for an Account is greater than or equal to $10,000. You might want this Notification to be operative for only five of your end-customer Accounts. In this case, use the Account Ids drop-down to select the five Accounts.

  • If you want the Notification to be operative for all Accounts, leave both the Account Ids and Restricted Account Ids fields blank.

Select Users for Email notifications if disabled:

  • Integration disabled notification users. Select Organization Users you want to receive an Email notification if the integration is automatically disabled.


  • An integration is automatically disabled if there have been 10 successive previous error Event responses to earlier attempts to run the integration. See Reviewing and Resolving Integration Events for more details.

  • If you select Organization Users to receive an Email notification when the integration is automatically disabled, their User id will be listed under Configuration Data on the Integration Details page.

6. Make the required editing changes and select Update integration. You are returned to the Configurations page.

7. Select the Configurations breadcrumb link at the top of the page to return to the Configurations page, and select List again.

8. If you want to remove a Notification Integration Configuration, select delete:

A confirmation popup appears.

9. Select Yes to confirm the delete action.

Next: Configuring Stripe Integrations