Creating Operational Data Export Schedules

When you have created some Export Destinations using S3 buckets in you AWS account, you can set up Export Schedules to perform operational data exports into those destinations from your m3ter Organization. You can specify an hourly or daily frequency for these exports to run.

This topic explains how to work with and create Export Schedules for exporting operational data from your Organization at regular intervals:

Note: Export jobs for Export schedules. When you have created a data Export schedule, an export job is created for each time the data export is due to run under the schedule. You can review and check the status of data export jobs on the Exports job page - see Reviewing Export Jobs.

Working with Operational Data Export Schedules

This section explains how the Data Export service will compile and run operational data exports according to the various options available to you when setting up your operational data Export Schedules:

Data Export Service - Timezone Used

The Data Export service uses UTC and this is not affected by the Timezone you've set for your Organization.

When Export Schedules are Run

When you've completed the configuration for an Export Schedule and select to create it:

  • An Export job is scheduled to run the data export immediately with the Data Export service.

  • Export jobs for the next and subsequent in the series of exports are then scheduled to run with the Data Export Service according to the hourly or daily frequency you've configured for the Schedule.

  • For example, if you select to create an Export schedule at 10:00 a.m. on June 1st, 2024 UTC and the Export schedule is configured for a frequency of every 5 days, an Export job is scheduled to run with the Data Export Service immediately. An Export job for the next data export will then be scheduled to run at 10:00 a.m. on June 6th 2024 UTC, and so on.

Export File Format and Composition

The range of operational data included in an export depends on the operational entities you select for the export.

File Format

The current data export file format is .CSV.

Operational Entities

You can select to export the operational data in your m3ter Organization for the following entities:

  • Accounts

  • Account Plans

  • Aggregations

  • Balances

  • Bills

  • Bill line items

  • Prepayments/Commitments

  • Compound Aggregations

  • Contracts

  • Meters

  • Plans

  • Plan Groups

  • Plan Group Links

  • Plan Templates

  • Pricing

  • Pricing Bands

  • Products

For each of the entity types you select, a separate .CSV formatted file is compiled containing the operational data for all entities of the type that exist in your Organization.


  • What does an Operational Data Export contain? Generally, what operational Data Exports contain is what the API returns when retrieving an entity plus some additional fields only relevant for exports.

  • Data Export Entity Schema. You can review the details of export schema for each entity available for operational data export - see Data Export Entity Schema.

Export Size Limit

No compression is performed for the files contained in an operational data export. The export size is constrained by the limit imposed by your AWS S3 bucket destination, which we understand to be a 6GB maximum size.

Creating Operational Data Export Schedules

You can quickly set up Export schedules for data exports containing operational data of selected entities in your Organization - such as Bills, Prepayments/Commitments, Accounts, and Balances. Data exports contain the operational data for the selected entities at the time the data export runs.

To create an Operational Data Export Schedule:

1. Select Data exports:

The Data export page opens and lists any existing Export schedules.

2. Select Create Export schedule. The Create page opens.

3. Enter the Export schedule details:

  • Name. Descriptive name for the schedule.

  • Destinations. Use the drop-down to select the Export destinations to be used each time the data export runs for the schedule. Notes:

    • You must select at least one destination.

    • If No options shows in the drop-down, you must first create at least one destination before you can set up an Export Schedule - see Creating and Managing Export Destinations.

  • Frequency. Define the frequency for the schedule in Hours or Days. Highest frequency is for exports to run every hour.

  • Source type. Select the Operational data option. The page adjusts to allow you to select the operational entities whose data you want the export to contain.

4. Under Operational data entities, select the plus icon and use the pop-up to select the entities whose data you want to include in the export:

Tip: Exporting data for all entities? If you want to export the operational data for all entities, use Select all.

5. Select Add. the selected entities are added to Export schedule details:

  • In this example, we've selected to include the operational data for Accounts, Account Plans, and Prepayments/Commitments in the data exports ran every five days for the Export schedule.

6. When you have entered all details, select Create export schedule. You are taken back to the Data export page where the new schedule is listed on the Export schedules panel:

Next: Reviewing and Managing Export Schedules

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