Running Ad-Hoc Usage Data Exports

You can quickly set up and run a one-off, ad-hoc data export containing usage data collected for your Organization. Usage data exports contain the usage data measurements ingested into m3ter for the selected Meters and Accounts covering the specified time period, and you can select to aggregate the data for an export.

Tip: Reviewing Usage Data Export Options! Before attempting to run and ad-hoc usage data export, please review the options available for controlling the usage data the export will contain - see Working with Usage Data Export Schedules.

To set up and run an ad-hoc Usage Data Export:

1. Select Data exports:

The Data export page opens.

2. On the Export schedules panel, select Run ad-hoc export:

The Run ad-hoc export page opens.

3. Enter the Ad-hoc export details:

  • Destinations. Use the drop-down to select the Export destinations to be used for the ad-hoc data export. Notes:

    • You must select at least one destination.

    • If No options shows in the drop-down, you must first create at least one destination before you can set up an ad-hoc data export - see Creating and Managing Export Destinations.

  • Source type. For a usage data ad-hoc export, leave this as the default selection for Usage data.

  • Time period. Define a time period you want the ad-hoc data export to cover. This setting controls the range of usage data the export will contain:

    • Today. Data collected for the current day up until the time the export is ran. For example, if the ad-hoc Export schedule is ran at 10:00 a.m. UTC, the export will contain the usage data collected up until 10 a.m. UTC of the current day. (Default setting)

    • Yesterday. Data collected for the day before the export runs - that is, the 24 hour period from midnight to midnight of the day before.

    • Week to date. Data collected for the period covering the current week to the date and time the export runs, and weeks run Monday to Monday. For example if the Export is ran at 10 a.m. UTC on October 16th 2024, which is a Wednesday, it will contain all usage data collected starting Monday October 14th 2024 through to the Wednesday at 10 a.m. UTC of the current week.

    • Current month. Data collected for the current month in which the export is ran up to and including the date and time the export runs. For example if the Export is ran at 10 a.m. UTC on October 16th, 2024, it will contain all usage data collected starting October 1st, 2024 through to October 16th at 10 a.m. UTC.

    • Last 30 days. Data collected for the 30 days prior to the date the export is ran. For example, if the export is ran at any time on June 15th 2024, it will contain usage data collected for the previous 30 days - starting May 16th 2024 through to midnight on June 14th 2024.

    • Last 35 days. Data collected for the 35 days prior to the date the export is ran. For example, if the export is ran at any time on June 15th 2024, it will contain usage data collected for the previous 35 days - starting May 11th 2024 through to midnight on June 14th 2024.

    • Previous week. Data collected for the previous full week period, and weeks run Monday to Monday. For example, if the export is ran on June 12th 2024, which is a Wednesday, the export will contain data for the period running from Monday, June 3rd to midnight on Sunday, June 9th 2024.

    • Previous month. Data collected for the previous full month period. For example, if the export is ran on June 12th 2024, the export will contain data for the entire previous month of May 2024.

  • Aggregation frequency and Aggregation. If you want to aggregate ingested values for your usage data export, then use these options in combination:

    • Aggregation frequency. Select the frequency for aggregation - five options:

      • Original. No aggregation performed. (Default)

      • Hourly.

      • Daily.

      • Weekly.

      • Monthly.

    • Aggregation. Select the type of Aggregation you want to apply to the data values for the selected frequency - six options:

      • Sum. Adds the values.

      • Minimum. Uses the minimum value.

      • Maximum. Uses the maximum value.

      • Count. Counts the number of values.

      • Latest. Uses the most recent value, based on the timestamp - ts - values of ingested usage data measurements.

      • Mean. Uses the arithmetic mean of the values.

Aggregation for Usage Data exports - notes:

  • Aggregation type is required! If you select an Aggregation frequency other than the default of Original (which means the data will not be aggregated), then you must select an Aggregation type. If you don't select a type, then you won't be able to create the ad-hoc export and an error will show.

  • Aggregation vs. non-aggregated usage data for export? If you choose to aggregate usage data for an ad-hoc export, this will affect what data is included in the export, and this is the same for both scheduled and ad-hoc exports. For details, please see the Working with Usage Data Export Schedules section.

  • Meters. Add Meters for the data export:

    • Select the plus icon. A popup will show listing all Meters in your Organization and you can search the list.

    • Check the Meters whose usage data you want to include in the export and select Add.

    • The export will contain the usage data collected by the Meters you add for the specified Time period. (Default is All meters)

  • Accounts. Add Accounts for the data export:

    • Select the plus icon. A popup will show listing all Accounts in your Organization and you can search the list.

    • Check the Accounts whose usage data you want to include in the export and select Add.

    • The export will contain the usage data collected by the Meters you've added and for the Accounts you add for the specified Time period. (Default is All Accounts)

4. When you have entered all details for the ad-hoc data export, select Run ad-hoc export:

  • In this example, we've selected a single Meters and two Accounts for which non-aggregated usage data will be included in the ad-hoc usage data export.

An Export job is scheduled for the ad-hoc usage data export you can check if the job succeeded on the Export jobs page - see Reviewing Export Jobs.

Next: Running Ad-Hoc Operational Data Exports

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