End Dating Account Billing Entities

You can apply an end date to billing entities associated with an end-customer Account:

  • Account Plans

  • Contracts

  • Counter Pricings

  • Prepayments

  • Pricings

This capability to collectively end date billing entities associated with an Account is very useful in cases where you need to create new agreements with end-customers - such as for renewals or mid-service term amendments - and for service cancellations.

You can apply an end date to billing entities on an Account directly from the Account or via a Contract you've created for the Account:

Applying End Date to Account Billing Entities

You can use the Account actions menu to apply an end date to billing entities.

To apply an end date to Account billing entities:

1. Select Accounts. The Accounts page opens.

2. Select the Account you want to end date billing entities for. The Account page opens with the Overview tab selected.

3. On the Account actions menu, select Account>End Account billing entities:

The End Account billing entities modal appears.

4. On the modal, select the Billing entities associated with the Account that you want to end date:

  • Account plan

  • Contract

  • Counter pricings

  • Prepayment

  • Pricings

5. If you also want to apply the end date to the same billing entities associated with any Child Accounts, enable the Apply to children switch.

  • Note: This switch will only show for Accounts with at least one Child Account set up.

6. Use the End date field pop-up calendar to select the end date you want to apply.

  • Note that the end date will be applied as midnight of the selected date, where midnight is understood as the start of that date. This means that if you select August 31st 2023, then billing entities for the Account will be active until the end of August 30th.

7. Select End account billing entities. The modal closes and the end dates for each of the selected billing entities associated with the Account are updated.

Warning: Billing Entities must be Active on specified End date! Only those billing entities of the selected type which are active for the Account on the end date specified will be updated. If all of the currently active entities have end dates that fall before the end date specified and therefore none are found to be active on that date, then you'll receive a message to inform you none have been updated.

Applying End Date to Account Billing Entities via Contract

If you have created a Contract for an end-customer Account, you can apply an end date to billing entities associated with the Account via the Contract

To apply an end date to Account billing entities via a Contract:

1. Select Accounts. The Accounts page opens.

2. Select the Account you want to end date billing entities for. The Account page opens with the Overview tab selected.

3. Select the Contracts tab.

4. On the Active and pending contracts panel, select the name hotlink text of the Contract you want to use to apply an end date to billing entities. The Contract Details page opens.

5. On the Contract details panel, select End contract billing entities. An End contract billing entities modal appears.

6. On the modal, select the Billing entities associated with the Account that you want to end date:

  • Account plan

  • Contract

  • Counter pricings

  • Prepayment

  • Pricings

5. If you also want to apply the end date to the same billing entities associated with any Child Accounts, enable the Apply to children switch.

  • Note: This switch will only show for Accounts with at least one Child Account set up.

6. Use the End date field pop-up calendar to select the end date you want to apply.

  • Note that the end date will be applied as midnight of the selected date, where midnight is understood as the start of that date. This means that if you select August 31st 2023, then billing entities for the Account will be active until the end of August 30th.

7. Select End contract billing entities. The modal closes and the end dates for each of the selected billing entities associated with the Account are updated.

Tip: Which billing entities are end dated?

  • Contract. If you select to update the Contract, then ONLY the Contract itself will be end dated. If the Account has other Contracts associated with it, these will not be end dated.

  • Account Plans, Prepayments, Counter Pricings, and Pricings. When you create a Contract for an Account, you can link Account Plans and Prepayments associated with the Account to the Contract. When you select to end date any of these types of billing entities, ALL Account Plans, Prepayments, Counter Pricings, and Pricings associated with the Account are end dated, and not ONLY those that have been linked to the Contract itself.

Next: Creating and Managing External Mappings for Accounts