Utilizing Events and Notifications

You can use m3ter's Events and Notifications feature to define and implement alerts or notifications that are triggered by specific events in your m3ter production environment. For example, you might offer a sign-up bonus credit to your new customers. You then want to receive a notification when an end customer account has consumed 90% of their initial credit amount.

This section explains the m3ter Events and Notifications framework, sets out the main object definitions within that framework, explains how to create and configure Notification Rules in the m3ter Console, and provides some worked examples for you to follow:

In addition to system-generated Events that occur when a configuration entity undergoes a state change at creation, update, or deletion of the entity, you can use API calls to create and configure Scheduled Event Configurations. Scheduled Events are custom Event types, which you can set up by referencing Date/Time fields on configuration and billing entities:

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