Viewing Bill History

Under Billing, you can review the Bill History for a selected Account. You can inspect the standing charges and pricing charges under the pricing Plans attached to the Account. You can also open a pricing Plan used for a Bill and review the pricing structure of the Plan more closely.

This topic explains how to work in the Billing section to open and view an Account's Bill history.

To view Bill History for an Account:

1. Select Billing. The Bill management page opens.

2. Select Bill history:

The Bill history page opens.

3. Use the drop-down to select the Account for which you want to view bill history. The Bills generated for the Account are listed with the most recent shown first:

The charges amounts used to calculate the Bill totals are listed by Product.

4. If you want to review the usage quantity under a listed charge, select to expand the charge and reveal the Quantity:

5. If you want to review a Pricing plan used for a Bill, select the name text of the Plan. You are taken to the Plan details page, where the Associated pricing for the Plan is shown.

Next: Scheduling Billing

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