Adding Credit Line Items to Bills

From Bill Management, you can open Bills and add credits for Bill line items using the Credit reasons you've created for your Organization:

Tip: Adding Credit Reasons? For details on how to add Credit reasons to your Organization, see Creating Credit Reasons.

Adding a Credit for an Existing Bill Line Item

To add credit line items to Bills for an existing Bill line item:

1. Select Billing. The Bill management page opens and the Bills that have been generated for your Accounts are listed. The Bills listed are those for the default settings of monthly frequency and current month period end.

2. If the Bills you want to work with are for a different frequency and period, use the Invoice date (inclusive) calendar pop-ups accordingly. See Running Bills and Viewing Bill Details.

Tip: Invoice dates are inclusive! Note that when you define a period to view Bills using the Invoice date calendar popups, both the start and end date are interpreted inclusively.

3. To select a specific Bill you want to add a credit line item for, select the REFERENCE hotlink text. The Bill details page opens.

  • Note that this page provides a full breakdown of the charges made to the Account for the billing period up to the Last calc date. You can expand line items to see further details.

4. Select Add credit. The Create page opens and the Credit a line item from a bill option is selected by default.

5. Leave this default option selected and under Credit line item details use the Bill drop-down to select the bill date. The Line item drop-down is enabled.

6. Use the Line item drop-down to select the line item from the Bill for which you want to apply a credit.

  • Note that the Amount field is automatically populated for the selected line item's amount.

7. Select a Credit reason for the credit line item.

Warning: You must create at least one Credit reason for your Organization before you can add a Credit line item to a Bill! If you haven't, the Credit reason drop-down will not be available and you'll see a warning:

  • Select the create a new credit reason hotlink text provided. This takes you directly to the Create page to create the Credit reason you want to use to add a Credit line item to the Bill. See Creating Credit Reasons.

  • When you create the new Credit reason, you are taken directly back to the Create page and the Credit reason is selected.

8. Enter a Description.

9. Adjust the Amount as required.

10. If you want to define a specific service period to apply to the Credit Line Item, under Service period settings use the pop-up calendars to enter a Service period start date (inclusive) and Service period end date (exclusive).


  • If you leave these start and end date fields blank, the service period for the Credit line item is the same as the current billing period.

  • If you intend to set up an integration for sending Bills to an external 3rd-party system, the service period start and end dates for Credit line items may be required when integrating with some external systems. Please check your external system requirements to avoid any issues that might occur with an integration if these dates are left blank.

11. Select Create Credit line item. You are returned to the Bill details page, where the credit line item is shown and the bill is re-calculated to factor in the credit line item amount:

In this example, a credit line item has been added to a Bill in the full amount for one of the line items - GB stored charges.

12. You can expand the credit line item to view details and Edit or Delete the credit line item.

Warning: Approving and Locking Bills!

  • If you Approve the Bill:

    • You can Edit the credit line item but the Bill will be reverted to Pending.

    • You cannot Delete the credit line item.

  • If you Approve and then Lock the Bill:

    • You cannot Edit or Delete the credit line item.

Adding a Credit Manually

To add a manual credit line items to Bills:

1. Select Billing>Bill management. The Bill management page opens and the Bills that have been generated for your Accounts are listed. The Bills listed are those for the default settings of monthly frequency and current month period end.

2. If the Bills you want to work with are for a different frequency and period, use the Invoice date calendar pop-ups accordingly. See Running Bills and Viewing Bill Details.

3. To select a specific Bill you want to add a credit line item for, select the REFERENCE hotlink text. The Bill details page opens.

  • Note that this page provides a full breakdown of the charges made to the Account for the billing period up to the Last calc date. You can expand line items to see further details.

4. Select Add credit. The Create page opens and the Credit a line item from a bill option is selected by default.

5. Select Apply manual credit. The Create page adjusts for creating a manual credit line item to the Bill.

6. Under Credit line item details, select a Product reference for the manual credit line item.

  • Note that this is required for accounting purposes and associates the credit line item with a specific Product.

7. Enter a Credit reason, Description, and the Amount for the manual credit line item.

Warning: You must create at least one Credit reason for your Organization before you can add a manual Credit to a Bill! If you haven't, the Credit reason drop-down will not be available and you'll see a warning:

  • Select the create a new credit reason hotlink text provided. This takes you directly to the Create page to create the Credit reason you want to use to add a manual Credit to the Bill. See Creating Credit Reasons.

  • When you create the new Credit reason, you are taken directly back to the Create page and the Credit reason is selected.

8. Select Create Credit line item. You are returned to the Bill details page, where the manual credit line item is shown and the bill is re-calculated to factor in the manual credit line item amount:

In this example, a General Rebate manual credit line item has been added to a Bill in the amount of $10.

9. You can expand the manual credit line item to view details and Edit or Delete the credit line item.

Warning: Approving and Locking Bills!

  • If you Approve the Bill:

    • You can Edit the manual credit line item but the Bill will be reverted to Pending.

    • You cannot Delete the manual credit line item.

  • If you Approve and then Lock the Bill:

    • You cannot Edit or Delete the manual credit line item.

10. Also, you can add a manual credit line item to a bill for credit against another Product by the Account:

In this example, a New Product Sign-Up Bonus manual credit line item has been added to the Bill in the amount of $5. Note that this new line item is clearly listed on the recalculated Bill as a credit against the Account for a different Product.

Next: Adding Debit Line Items to Bills

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