Viewing and Managing System Alerts

System Alerts are automatically generated for your Organization in m3ter, both to inform you about key events and to notify you of any issues or errors that have occurred:

  • INFO. Information about key events.

  • WARN. Warnings about events.

  • ERROR. Errors for events with information about cause of error where possible.

New Alerts are listed on your Dashboard and from there you can open the main Alerts page to view the full list and follow up.

This topic explains how to view and open Alerts, follow up on them, and manage their status.

Note: System Alerts also generate Events. For some Alerts corresponding Events are generated. For example, an API_INGEST Alert might be generated for a missing Meter field but a corresponding ingest.validation.failure Event for a MissingField will also be listed on the Ingest Events page. You can use this ingest failure Event as an alternative way to follow-up on and troubleshoot the issue. See Reviewing and Resolving Ingest Events.

Viewing, Opening, and Following Up System Alerts

The Your Alerts panel on the Console Dashboard shows new Alerts generated for your Organization. You can quickly view the full listing, open an Alert, and view details to follow up.

To view, open, and follow up Alerts:

1. Open your Dashboard. The Your Alerts panel lists the number and types of Alerts triggered for your Organization:

In this example, there are a total of thirty-three Alerts, fifteen of which are NEW.

2. Select View all. Alternatively, select Alerts and Events>System Alerts.

  • The Alerts page opens and lists all existing Alerts:

You can read off information about an Alert:

  • STATUS. Shows if the Alert is NEW or IN PROGRESS.

  • DATES. When the Alert was created and last updated.

  • SEVERITY. Whether the Alert is INFO, WARN, or ERROR severity level.

  • TYPE. The type of event which is the source of the Alert.

  • DESCRIPTION. A short description of the Alert.

3. To open an Alert for more details, select the Details button at the right side of the row:

An Alert Details dialog opens:

In this example, we've opened an ERROR Alert for BILLING where a Bill has failed to create. Under Details, the Account for which a Bill failed and the cause of failure are given - in this case a required currency conversion rate between pricing currency for the Account and the configured billing currency was not found. Where possible, Alerts will provide Details that help you to follow up and investigate the Alert to resolve and close it.

Tip: Following up on failed Bill Alerts? For more details on following up and resolving failed Bill Alerts, see Troubleshooting Bills.

4. Select Close to return to the main Alerts page.

Managing System Alerts

When you open to view an Alert and follow up on it, you can manage your workflow as you investigate and resolve it.

To view, open, and follow up Alerts:

1. Open the new Alert you want to view and follow up - see the previous section. On the Alert Details dialog you can review the Details given about the cause of the Alert and decide whether or not you want to follow up the Alert to resolve it.

2. If you do, take note of the information given about the cause of the Alert and then use the Status drop-down to change the Alert's status from New to In progress and select Update Status:

3. Select Close. The Alert Details dialog closes and on the Alerts page the Alert now shows a STATUS of IN PROGRESS.

4. When you have completed your follow up on the Alert and resolved it, on the Alerts page, you can select Delete:

A confirmation dialog appears.

5. Select Yes to confirm that you want to delete the Alert.

Next: Utilizing Events and Notifications

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